Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter6 Show Comma nds
show interface ib
Table 6 -72 describes the fields that appear when you use the
sma port-info details
argument with the
show interface ib
mkey 64-bit management key for this port. See section 14.2.4, Management Key and 3.5.3,
Keys, InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1, for more information.
gid-prefix 64-bit global ID prefix for this port. This prefix is assigned by the subnet manager,
based upon the port router and the rules for local identifiers. See section 4.1.3, Loc al
Identifiers, InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1, for more information.
lid 16-bit base-LID of this port.
capability-mask 32-bit bitmask that specifies the supported capabilities of the port. A bit value of 1
(one) indicates a supported capability. The bits are 0, 11-15, 18, 21-31 (R eserved and
always 0.), 1 IsSM, 2 IsNoticeSupported, 3 IsTrapSupported, 4 IsResetSupport ed, 5
IsAutomaticMigrationSupported, 6 IsSLMappingSupported, 7 IsMKeyNVRAM
(supports M_Key in NVRAM), 8 IsPKeyNVRAM (supports P_Key in NVRAM), 9
Is LED Info Supported, 10 IsSMdisabled, 16 IsConnectionManagementSupported,
17 IsSNMPTunnelingSupported, 19 IsDeviceManagementSupported, 20
IsVendorClassSupported.Values are expressed in hexadecimal.
state A higher form of addressing than PhyState, state determines that the nodes can
actually communicate and indicates the state transition that has occurred. A
transition is a port change from down to "initialize", "initialize" to "down," "armed"
to "down," or active to down as a result of link state machine logic. Changes to the
port state resulting from SubnSet have no affect on this parameter value. The value
is noStateChange, down, initialize, armed, or active.
Table6-71 sma port-info Keyword Output Field Descriptions
Field Description
Table6-72 sma port-info details Keyword Output Field Descriptions
Field Description
node-guid GUID of the InfiniBand host that connects to the port.
port Host port that connects to your Server Switch.
mkey 64-bit management key for this p ort. S ee sec tion 14 .2.4, Manag ement K e y
and 3.5.3, Keys, InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1, for more
gid-prefix 64-bit global ID prefix for this port. This prefix is assi gn ed by the subnet
manager, based upon the port router and the rules for local identifiers. See
section 4.1.3, Local Identifiers, InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release
1.1, for more information.
lid 16-bit base-LID of this port.
master-sm-lid 16-bit base LID o f t he ma ste r s ubnet ma na ger m an aging t his p ort.