Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter6 Show Commands
show ib sm port
link-speed-supported Supported link speed. The value appears as 1 (2.5 Gbps).
state A higher form of addressing than PhyState, state determines that the nodes
can actually communicate and indicates the state transition that has
occurred. A transition identifies a port change from down to initialize,
initialize to down, armed to down, or active to down as a r esult of link state
machine logic. Changes to the port state resulting from SubnSet have no
affect on this parameter value. The value appears as no StateC hange , down,
initialize, armed, or active.
phy-state Indicates the physical state of the port, whether or not electricity flows
between nodes and that they can perform a handshake. The value appears
as noStateChange, sleeping, polling, disabled, portConfigurationTraining,
linkup, or linkErrorRecovery. The state, upon power-up, defaults to polling.
link-down-def-state Default LinkDown state to return to. The value appears as noStateChange,
sleeping, or polling. See section 5.5.2, Status Outputs (MAD GET),
InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1, for more information.
mkey-prot-bits Management key protection bits for the port. The bits are 0, 1, 2, and 3. See
section, Levels of Protection, InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1,
Release 1.1, for more information.
lmc Local-identifier mask control (LMC) for multi-path support. A LMC
resides on each channel adapter and router port on the subnet. It provides
multiple virtual ports within a single physical port. The value of the LMC
specifies the number of path bits in the LID. A value of 0 (zero) indicates
one LID can apply to this port. See sections 3.5.10, Addressing, and 4.1.3,
Local Identifiers, InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1, for more
link-speed-active Speed of an active link. The value appears as 1 (2.5 Gbps).
link-speed-enabled Maximum speed that the link can handle. The value appears as 0 (No state
change), 1 (2.5 Gbps), or 3 (value derived from link-speed-supported).
neighbor-mtu Active maximum transmission unit enabled on this port for transmit. Check
the mtu-cap value at both ends of every link and use the less er sp ee d. Th e
value appears as mtu256, mtu512, mtu1024, mtu2048, or mtu4096.
master-sm-SL Administrative service level required for this port to send a non-SMP
message to the subnet manager.
VL-cap Maximum range of data virtual lanes supported by this port. The value
appears as vl0, vl0ToVl1, vl0ToVl3, vl0ToVl7, or vl0ToVl14. See also
oper-VL. Each port can support up to 15 virtual lanes (VLs 0 - 15) . Th e
VL-cap field displays the range of those lanes (for example, lanes 0 - 7) that
the port currently supports.
VL-high-limit Maximum high-priority limit on the number of bytes allowed for
transmitting high-priority packets when both ends of a link operate with
multiple data virtual-lanes. Used with the virtual-lane arbitration table. The
maximum high-limit matches the vl-arb-high-cap on the other si de o f the
link and then negotiating downward.
Table6-41 show ib sm port Command Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description