Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter6 Show Commands
show card-inventory
Command Output:
Table 6 -9 describes the fields in the
show card-inventory
command output.
Examples The following example displays the configuration and stat us infor mat ion for the ca rd s on the Server
SFS-7000P# show card-inventory
Card Resource/Inventory Information
slot-id : 1
up-time : 615398 (seconds)
used-memory : 24184 (kbytes)
free-memory : 103652 (kbytes)
used-disk-space : 36123 (kbytes)
free-disk-space : 58702 (kbytes)
Table6-9 show card-inventory Command Field Descriptions
field description
slot-id Slot number of the controller card, gateway module, or InfiniBand switch.
up-time Number of seconds card has been active.
used-memory Total amount of local RAM being used by the card.
slot-id Displays the slot ID.
used-memory Total amount of memory used in local RAM.
free-memory Total amount of available local RAM.
used-disk-space Total amount of local flash memory space being used by the card.
free-disk-space Total amount of available local flash memory space.
last-image-source Last image that the card booted.
primary-image-source Active system image to use when the system reboots . This value should be the
same for all cards in the system.
image If only one instance of the image field appears, it indicates the system image
used to initialize the card firmware. If there are two instances of the image
field, the second instance indicates that a second system image is present on
the card.
cpu-descr CPU type, model, and firmware version. The disk on chip (DOC) versions are
appended to the existing CPU descriptions in this release.
fpga-firmware-rev Current FPGA firmware version that the card runs.
ib-firmware-rev Version of InfiniBand firmware on the card.
Note The CLI displays the device-ID and version number of the InfiniBand
chip for each card for Anafa 2 chips. This content appears in
parentheses next to the firmware version. For original Anafa chips, no
parenthetical text appears. The Cisco SFS 3001 and Cisco SFS 3012
chassis run original Anafa chips. The Cisco SFS 7000 and Cisco SFS
7008 chassis run later models.