Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter1 Using the CLI
Exiting the CLI Session
Exiting the CLI SessionTo exit the CLI session, return to User Exec mode or Privileged Exec mode, and enter the
command or the
command. The CLI session ends.
SFS-90(config-if-fc-5/1)# exit all
SFS-90> logout
Note If you use Telnet or SSH to run a remote CLI session, the connection closes when you log out.
Conversely, when you terminate a telnet or SSH session, you log out of the Server Switch.
Table1-4 Key Stroke Shortcuts
Key Strokes Description
Ctrl-a Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
Ctrl-b M oves the curso r left (bac k) one ch arac ter.
Ctrl-d D elet es th e curre nt char act er.
Ctrl-e Moves the cursor to the end of the line.
Ctrl-f Moves the cursor to the r ight ( fo rward) o ne c hara cte r.
Ctrl-k Deletes text from cursor to the end of the line.
Ctrl-l Refreshes th e input lin e.
Ctrl-n Di spla ys t he next com ma nd i n the hist ory q ue ue.
Ctrl-p Di splays the previous comman d in the history que ue.
Ctrl-q Returns to User Exec mode.
Note If a command is entered on the command line, execute the command before
returning to User Execute mode.
Ctrl-t Transposes the cu rre nt an d p revious cha ra cte rs.
Ctrl-u Deletes all text to the left of the cursor.
Ctrl-w Deletes the text of a word up to cursor.
Ctrl-z Returns you to Privileged Exec mode.
Esc-b Moves the cursor left (back) one word.
Esc-c Converts characters, from the cursor to the end of the word, to upper case.
Esc-d Deletes characters from the cursor through remainder of the word.
Esc-f Moves the cursor right (forward) one word.
Esc-l Converts characters, from the cursor to the end of the word, to lower case.
down-arrow Displays the next command in the history queue.
up-arrow Displays the previous command in the history queue.
left-arrow Moves the cursor left (back) one character.
right-arrow Moves the cursor right (forward) one character.