Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter4 InfiniBand Commands
ib sm multicast
ib sm multicastTo administer the subnet manager (SM) multicast on your Server Switch, and to create and populate
partitions, enter the
ib sm multicast
command in Global Configuration mode. To undo configurations
and partitions, use the
form of this command. Enter this command without arguments to add a subnet
manager with default values.
ib sm subnet-prefix prefix [multicast {mgid GID-address [mtu MTU-value] [p_key pkey]
|[q_key qkey] [rate GBPS] [sl service-level] | ipoib p_key pkey [mtu MTU-value] [q_key
qkey] [rate GBPS] [scope {link-local | site-local | org-local | global}]
ib sm subnet-prefix prefix [multicast {mgid GID-address [mtu MTU-value] [p_key pkey]
|[q_key qkey] [rate GBPS] [sl service-level] | ipoib p_key pkey [mtu MTU-value] [q_keyqkey]
[rate GBPS] [scope {link-local | site-local | org-local | global}]
Syntax Description
Defaults There are no defaults for this command.
Command Modes Global Configuration (config) mode.
subnet-prefix Specifies the subnet prefix of the subnet manager.
prefix Subnet prefix of the subnet manager. You may enter any prefix, but we
recommend that you enter fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00 to indicate a locally
administered subnet.
multicast Creates a multicast group.
mgid Specifies the global ID of the multicast group.
GID-address Global ID of the multicast group.
mtu (Optional) Specifies the maximum transmission unit of the multicast group.
MTU-value (Optional) Maximum transmission unit of the multicast group.
q_key (Optional) Specifies the queue key of the multicast group.
qkey (Optional) Queue key of the multicast group.
rate (Optional) Specifies the data rate of the multicast group, in Gbps.
GBPS (Optional) Data rate of the multicast group, in Gbps.
sl (Optional) Specifies the service level of the multicast group.
service-level (Optional) Service level of the multicast group.
ipoib (Optional) Creates an IPoIB broadcast multicast group.
scope (Optional) Specifies the scope of the broadcast multicast group.
link-local (Optional) Applies a link-local scope to the broadcast multicast group.
site-local (Optional) Applies a site-local scope to the broadcast multicast group.
org-local (Optional) Applies a org-local scope to the broadcast multicast group.
global (Optional) Applies a global scope to the broadcast multicast group.