Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter6 Show Comma nds
show interface ib
Command Output:
Table 6 -73 describes the fields that appear when you use the
keyword with the
interface ib
resp-timeout Maximum time allowed between the port reception of a subnet
management packet and the transmission of the associated response. For
more information, see InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1,
section, “Timers and Timeouts.”
local-phys-err Threshold at which ICRC, VCRC, FCCRC, and all physical errors result
in an entry into the BAD PACKET or BAD PACKET DISCARD states of
the local packet receiver. For more information, see InfiniBand
Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1, section 7.12.2, “Error Recovery
overrun-err Threshold at which buffer count overruns across consecutive flow-control
update periods and results in an overrun error.
Table6-72 sma port-info details Keyword Output Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description
Table6-73 statistics Keyword Output Field Descriptions
Field Description
port Port identifier, in slot#/port# format.
name Administrative port name that you configured with the
in-octets Cumulative number of octets that arrived at the port, including framing
in-ucast-pkts Cumulative number of incoming packets destined for a single port.
in-multicast-pkts Cumulative number of incoming packets destined for the ports of a multicast
in-broadcast-pkts Cumulative number of incoming packets destined for all ports on the fabric.
in-discards Cumulative number of inbound packets that the port discarded for a reason other
than a packet error (for example, lack of buffer space).
in-errors Number of inbound packets with errors that the port discard ed.
in-unknown-protos For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets that were received through
the interface that were discarded because of an unkn own or unsu ppo rt ed
protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that suppo rt prot o col
multiplexing, the number of transmission units received through the interface
that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any
interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter is always 0.
out-octets Total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing
out-ucast-pkts Total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitte d and
that were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer,
including those that were discarded or not sent.