Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter4 InfiniBand Commands
ib sm multicast
Usage Guidelines Platform Availability:
Cisco SFS 3001, Cisco SFS 7000, Cisco SFS 7008, Cisco SFS 3012, Cicso 4x InfiniBand Switch Module
for IBM BladeCenter
Privilege Level:
General read-write user.
The subnet manager
•Discovers the subnet topology and dynamically updates it at a specified sweep interval that you
specify with the interval variable.
•Assigns the local identifiers (LIDs), global identifier (GID) subnet prefix, and partition keys for
each HCA port.
•Assigns the LIDs, GID subnet prefix, and forwarding databases for each switch on the subnet.
•Maintains the end-node and service databases of the subnet, providing a GUID to LID/GID
resolution service as well as a services directory.
One subnet manager administers the InfiniBand fabric. All InfiniBand hosts run on this one subnet. The
subnet manager loads upon bootup.
Each node in the fabric has a subnet management agent (SMA) to shuttle communication requests
between the node and the subnet manager. Communication between the subnet manager and the subnet
management agent uses the common management datagram (MAD) message structure.
Only multicast and p_Key configuration attributes are synchronized between master and standby SMs.
If other attributes are changed, they must be manually issued at the standby SMs as well.
If, in the future, there is a change in the location of standby SMs, run the command show config to list
all of the configuration changes previously made at the master SM. T hen re pla y th e co nfigurati on
changes at the new standby SMs.
Regarding Partitions:
Partitions are created, and then ports are added to those partitions to enforce isolation.
Examples The following example creates a multicast group:
SFS-7000P(config)# ib sm subnet-prefix fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00 multicast mgid
Related Commands ib-agent
ib sm db-sync
ib sm
show ib sm configuration