Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter4 InfiniBand Commands
ib sm
ib sm To administer the subnet manager (SM) on your Server Switch for everything except multicast , and t o
create and populate partitions, enter the
ib sm
command in Global Configuration mode. To undo
configurations and partitions, use the
form of this command. Enter this command without arguments
to add a subnet manager with default values.
ib sm subnet-prefix prefix [p_key pkey [ partition-member partiton member port full member
| limited member ] | priority sm-priority [sm-key key | lid-mask-control lmc] |
response-timeout timeout | sm-key key | sweep-interval interval | lid-mask-control
LMC | master-poll-intval mp-interval | master-poll-retries retries | max-active-sms
SMs | ca-link-hoqlife life | sw-link-hoqlife life | | switch-life-time life | max-hops 1-64
| mad-retries retries | node-timeout seconds | response-timeout milliseconds |
sa-mad-queue-deoth size]
no ib sm subnet-prefix prefix [p_key pkey [partition-member partition-member port] |
priority sm-priority | response-timeout timeout | sweep-interval interval |
lid-mask-control LMC | master-poll-intval mp-interval | master-poll-retries retries |
max-active-sms SMs]
Syntax Description subnet-prefix Specifies the subnet prefix of the subnet manager.
prefix Subnet prefix of the subnet manager. You may enter any prefix, but we
recommend that you enter fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00 to indicate a locally
administered subnet.
p_key (Optional) Creates a partition and optionally assigns members to the
partition, or assigns a partition key to a multicast group.
Note With database sync enabled on all chassis, only the chassis running
the master SM will accept partition configuration from the user.
pkey (Optional) Partition identifier, in ##:## format.
partition-member (Optional) Node guid for the partition member.
port (Optional) Port number of the partition-member.
full member | limited
member (Optional) Type of partition membership.
priority (Optional) Assigns a priority level to the subnet manager. Because multiple
subnet managers can run on the system and other SMs may run in your IB
network, the priority attribute identifies the master SM.
sm-priority (Optional) Integer value that represents the subnet manager priority level.
The higher the integer, the higher the priority.
sm-key (Optional) Assigns a subnet management key to a new subnet manager.
Note We recommend that you do not create additional subnet managers.
A subnet manager resides on your Server Switch from the moment
you boot.
key (Optional) 64-bit subnet management key.
timeout (Optional) Maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that the SM waits for
a response after it sends a packet to a port. The timeout variable defaults to
400 milliseconds.