Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter6 Show Comma nds
show ib sm port
VL-arb-high-cap Highest arbitration value allowed by the arbiter in determining the next
packet in a set of packets to send across the link. Used with the virtual-lane
arbitration table and specified as a VL/Weight pair. See section,
VL Arbitration Table, InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1, for
more information.
VL-arb-low-cap Lowest arbitration value allowed by the arbiter in determining the next
packet in a set of packets to send across the link. Used with the virtual-lane
arbitration table and specified as a VL/Weight pair. See section,
VL Arbitration Table, InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1, for
more information.
mtu-cap Used in conjunction with neighbor-mtu to determine the maximum
transmission size supported on this port. The lesser of mtu-cap an d
neighbor-mtu determines the actual MTU used. The value appears as 256,
512, 1024, 2048, or 4096.
VL-stall-count Number of sequentially dropped packets at which the port ente rs a
VLStalled state. The virtual lane exits the VLStalled state (8 * HLL) units
after entering it. See section, Transmitter Queuing, InfiniBand
Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1, for a description of HLL.
HOQ-life Maximum duration allowed to packets at the head of a virtual-lane queue.
Used with VL-stall-count to determine the outgoing packets to discard.
oper-VL Administrative limit for the number of virtual lanes allo w ed to the lin k. Do
not set this above the VL-cap value. The value appears as vl0, vl0-Vl1,
vl0-Vl3, vl0-Vl7, or vl0-Vl14.
in-part-enforce Boolean value that indicates whether or not to support optional partition
enforcement for the packets that were received by this port. No default
value applies.
out-part-enforce Boolean value that indicates whether or not to support optional partition
enforcement for the packets transmitted by this port. No default value
in-filter-raw-pkt-enforce Boolean value that indicates whether or not to support optional raw packet
enforcement for the raw packets that were received by this port. No def au lt
value applies.
out-filter-raw-pkt-enforce Boolean value that indicates whether or not to support optional raw packet
enforcement for the raw packets transmitted by this port. No default value
mkey-violation Number of subnet management packets (SMPs) that have been received on
this port with invalid M_Keys since initial power up or the last reset. See
section 14.2.4, Management Key , Inf iniBand Architecture®, V ol. 1, Release
1.1, for more information.
pkey-violation Number of subnet management packets that have been received on this port
with invalid P_Keys since initial power up or the last reset. See section
9.2.7, partition key (P_KEY), InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release
1.1, for more information.
Table6-41 show ib sm port Command Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description