Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
show ib sm node command 6-110
show ib sm partition command 6-113
show ib sm port command 6-115
show ib sm service command 6-122, 6-125
show ib sm sm-info command 6-105
show ib sm switch command 6-127
show ib sm switch-element-route command 6-130
show ib sm switch-route command 6-132
show interface ethernet command 6-148
show interface fc command 6-156
show interface gateway command 6-162
show interface ib command 6-167
show interface mgmt-ethernet command 6-177
show interface mgmt-ib command 6-179
show interface mgmt-serial command 6-180
show inventory command 6-181
show ip command 6-183
show ip http command 6-185
show ip http server secure command 6-187
show location command 6-189
show logging command 6-190
show ntp command 6-192
show power-supply command 6-193
show redundancy-group command 6-195
show running-status command 6-197
show sensor command 6-199
show snmp command 6-201
show systemcommand 6-203
show system-mode command 6-204
show system-services command 6-205
show terminal command 6-207
show trace command 6-208
show trunk command 6-209
show user command 6-210
show version command 6-212
shutdown command 2-63
shutdown-temp 6-199
single-collision-frames 6-153
slot-id 6-164
SL to VL mapping 6-144
sl-vl-map 6-138, 6-143
SM GUID, viewing 6-96
SMPs 6-173
SNMP receivers for link traps 6-201
snmp-server command 2-66
source-wwpn command 222
speed command, Fibre Channel 2-69
sqe-test-errors 6-153
src-lid 6-130
srp-bytes-read 6-164
srp-bytes-written 6-164
srp-cmds-completed 6-164
srp-cmds-outstanding 6-164
srp-connections 6-165
srp-errors 6-164
srp-initiated-ios 6-164
start command 223
state 6-100, 6-117, 6-170, 6-172
state of port
logical 6-141
stop command 224
subnet manager GUID, viewing 6-96
subnet mask 6-164
subnet-prefix 6-130
subnet-timeout 6-119, 6-143, 6-173
switch-hoq-life-time 6-97
switch-info 6-138
switch-life-time 6-97
system-image-guid 6-111
system-mode command 2-71
TTACACS client 6-6
target-wwpn command 225
telnet command 2-73
temperature 6-199
terminal 6-207