How to Install, Upgrade, or Downgrade
b.Locate the following file:
Note Most URL links are not usable during Early Field Trial.
c.Download the files to one of the following locations:
•FTP file server
•HTTP server
Step 2 Reset the system:
Router> enable
Step 3 Session into the NME-NAM-120S console.
While the service module reboots, it displays the following prompt:
Enter *** to change boot configuration:
Step 4 Enter *** to go to the bootloader.
After you enter ***, you will be at the bootloader prompt. From this prompt, you can either boot the NAM helper located at a TFTP server or boot the
–To boot the NAM helper image from a TFTP server, do Steps 5, 6, and 7. Skip Step 8, then do Steps 9, 10, and 11.
–To boot the
Step 5 Configure the bootloader to load and launch the helper:
ServiceEngine bootloader> config
Prompts for the following appear in the order listed. For each, enter a value or accept the previously stored input that appears inside square brackets by pressing Enter.
•Default gateway of
•Default helper image filename
•Ethernet interface: internal or external of
Cisco Branch Routers Series Network Analysis Module
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