Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router
Upgrading the RP and Line Card Memory
•The following amber LEDs are normally off:
–The MBUS status LED
–Two CSC status LED
–Three SFC status LEDs
•The three amber router alarm (Critical, Major, Minor) LEDs are normally off.
See the “Troubleshooting the Processor Subsystem” section on page
Upgrading the RP and Line Card Memory
To upgrade the RP and line card memory, refer to the Cisco 12000 Series Router Memory Replacement Instructions.
This publication contains the latest information about memory requirements and replacement procedures for the Cisco XR 12406 router RP and line cards. Consult this publication before replacing memory on your RP or line card, or adding memory to your RP or line card.
You can find Cisco XR 12000 Series Router memory replacement instructions at Cisco.com.
| Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guide |