booting computer, 6-6, 6-26, 6-29 brightness control, 1-8
buttons, See also switches
CD loading tray release, 6-19, 6-20
diskette drive, 6-25 expansion base power, 5-10 PC Card release, 7-6 suspend, 1-6, 3-4
cable lock, 5-12
cache memory, 1-1, 1-3 calling Compaq, xvi, 13-1 caps lock, 1-7, 2-3
card and socket services, 7-2 CardInfo, 7-3
caring for computer, 3-5 removable drives, xv, 6-3
carrying case
hard drive, 6-3, 6-4 MultiBay device, 6-3, 6-5
CD Player, 8-1 CD-ROM drives
caring for, 6-3
carrying case, placing into, 6-3, 6-5
cleaning lens, 3-5, 6-19 features, 6-19
format compatibility, 6-18 icon on status panel, 1-7, 6-1 inserting into computer
MultiBay, 6-16 light, 6-1
loading tray, 6-3, 6-17, 6-19, 6-20, 6-21
number and locations supported, 6-2, 6-16
operating, 6-18 removing from computer
MultiBay, 6-17 specifications, B-8 troubleshooting, 13-7
compact disc, 6-17, 6-18 Compaq
phone numbers, xviii support, xvi, 13-1
Compaq Diagnostics, xvii, 1-2, 12-1, 13-1
Compaq Dictionary, xv components
exterior, 1-4
front and right side, 1-6 interior, 1-3
rear and left side, 1-9 computer
caring for, 3-5 features overview, 1-1 opening, 1-5
serial number, xvii, 1-10, 10-1 shipping, 3-6, 3-7 specifications, B-1 temperature, 3-4, B-1 traveling with, 3-6
turning off, 3-5 turning on, 3-4
when not using, 3-5, 4-10 Computer Checkup (TEST), xvii,
12-1, 13-1 Computer Setup, 1-2, 10-1, 10-8
Exit menu, 10-7
Initialization menu, 6-27, 10-2 menus, listed, 10-1
Ports menu, 10-3
Power menu, 4-1, 10-3, 10-8 running, 10-1
Security menu, 10-5 configuring
Computer Setup, 10-1 Control Panel, 10-8
factory defaults, restoring, 10-7 MPEG video format
(PAL/NTSC), 10-3 new hardware, 5-1
PC Cards, 7-1 ports, 10-3
power settings, 10-3, 10-4, 10-8 security settings, 10-5
startup preferences, 10-2