Figure 8: The User Defined Motor Name Conflict Dialog Box
The User Defined Motor Name Conflict dialog box presents the user with four options on how to proceed with saving the motor data. Those four options are:
Create new motor entry In .ddf File
The user can select to keep the existing data and create a new entry into the motor.ddf file with a different name. After selecting this option, the user simply enters a new name in the Please enter a new motor name text box. Then click OK, the data will be written to the .ddf file using the new motor name.
Overwrite existing .ddf file motor entry
The user can select to overwrite the existing data in the .ddf file with the current data in the Motor Parameters column. If this option is selected, the data in the .ddf file will be overwritten and the overwritten data will be lost forever. The overwritten data cannot be recovered.
If the user attempts to overwrite data for a Standard Motor (in the stdmotor.ddf file), the operation will be canceled and the user will be notified that they cannot proceed. The figure below shows the error message that will be produced when the user attempts to overwrite a standard motor. In this case, the user would need to change the motor name before saving to the .ddf file.
Load and use motor parameters from matching motor in .ddf file
If this option is selected, the motor data in the Motor.ddf or stdmotor.ddf file for the matching Motor Name will overwrite the data in the Motor Parameters column. After this option is selected, the “Use Motor Data From .ddf File” check box will be selected, and all the parameter values will be unavailable.
Retain existing Motor Parameters without saving to .ddf
If the user selects this option, the values in the Motor Parameters column will not be written to the motor.ddf file, and the values will only reside within the configuration file. The specific motor data values will not be available for selection in the Motor Type list box because they are not saved to the .ddf file. The “Save .ddf Values” operation is in effect canceled.
Existing Motor Names List Box
This list box is part of the User Defined Motor Name Conflict dialog box and contains all the names of the motors that exist in the motor.ddf and stdmotor.ddf files. When selecting a new name, it is important to select a name that is not already displayed in this list box.