Tuning Procedures
Determining Tuning Parameter Values
For optimum performance you will need to enter the actual system parameters into the drive. This section discusses the methods which will most accurately determine those parameters.
If you have an application which exerts a constant unidirectional loading throughout the travel such as in a vertical axis, the inertia tests must be performed in both directions to cancel out the unidirectional loading effect.
Initial Test Settings
When running the tests outlined in this section, the motor and drive must be operational so you will need to enter starting values.
If your application has less than a 10:1 inertia mismatch, the default parameter settings will be acceptable. If the inertial mismatch is greater than 10:1, use the following table for initial parameter settings.
Parameter | Setting |
Friction | 0.00 |
Inertia Ratio | 1/3 to 1/2 Actual |
Response | 500/Inertia Ratio |
High Performance Gains | Disabled |
Feedforwards | Disabled |
Line voltage | Actual Applied |
Determining Inertia Ratio
Actual system Inertia Ratio is determined by accelerating and decelerating the load with a known ramp while measuring the torque required.
Consider the following before determining the inertia:
•If your application allows a great deal of motor motion without interference, it is recommended that you use a Preset Velocity to produce accurate acceleration ramps.
•If your application has a very limited range of motion, it is recommended that you use a position controller to produce the acceleration ramps and to prevent exceeding the axis range of motion.
•The accel and decel ramp should be aggressive enough to require at least 20 percent of continuous motor torque. The higher the torque used during the ramp, the more accurate the final result will be.
•With ramps that take less than 1/2 second to accelerate, read the Diagnostic Analog Outputs with an oscilloscope to measure the Torque Feedback.
•With ramps that take 1/2 second or longer to accelerate, read the Torque Command parameter on the Motor view of PowerTools Pro or with the Watch Window.
•To best determine the inertia, use both acceleration and deceleration torque values. The difference allows you to drop the constant friction out of the final calculation.
•If your application exerts a constant “unidirectional loading” throughout the travel such as in a vertical axis, the inertia test profiles must be performed in both directions to cancel out the unidirectional loading effect.
•The Torque Command Limited and Velocity Feedback parameters can be measured using the drive’s Analog Outputs, PowerTools Pro software or an
An oscilloscope will be needed for systems with limited travel moves and rapidly changing signals of torque and velocity.
Inertia Measurement Procedure:
The test profile will need to be run a number of times in order to get a good sample of data.
1.Enable the drives and run the test profiles.
2.Note the Torque Command Limited value during acceleration and deceleration.