Figure 93: Communications Setup Screen
After communications are established the baud rate can be changed by selecting from the Device menu, choose Change Baud Rate.
Step 2: Downloading the Configuration File
When you are ready to download the information in the current Configuration Window, go to the Setup view and enter the address of the device you wish to download to in the “Axis Address” text box.
Click the Download button in the toolbar or from the Device menu, Download.
PowerTools Pro will establish communications and transfer all the information in the current Configuration Window to the device you select.
Downloading will automatically clear an Invalid Configuration fault (“U” fault).
Step 3: Opening an Online Configuration Window
If you are not already online with the device, use this section to upload a configuration for online editing.
To open an online Configuration Window, click the Upload button on the toolbar. PowerTools Pro will display the Change Path dialog box while it scans your PC’s ports for any compatible devices. Next, select the device you wish to upload into a Configuration window.