48 | Chapter 6 Battery |
6.6 Battery Protection
The battery is connected to the UPS through a BCB which is manually closed and electronically tripped through the UPS control circuitry. If the cells are
Features of the BCB include:
zIsolation from battery to achieve safety and reliability
zShortcircuit protection
zAutomatic opening in the event of inverter lockup due to battery undervoltage to prevent battery damage caused by overdischarge
zTripping by remote emergency power off (EPO) button if installed
zOperation error protection
To achieve the required autonomy time, it may be necessary to parallel battery strings. In which case, the battery circuit breaker should be placed downstream of all parallel battery strings.
Note: All equipment servicing procedures should be carried out only by trained personnel.
6.7 Battery Connection
6.7.1Fitting The Batteries
1.In general a minimum space of 10 mm must be left on all vertical sides of the battery block to permit free air movement around the cells.
2.A clearance of 150 mm should be allowed between the top of the cells and the underside of the shelf above (this is necessary for monitoring and servicing the cells).
3.When installing the batteries always work from the bottom shelf upwards to prevent raising the center of gravity.
6.7.2Connecting The Battery
1.All cabinets (or racks) must be earthed.
2.In general it is recommended that the
3.An insulating shroud should be fitted to each terminal after its connection has been made.
4.When connecting the cables between the battery extremities to the circuit breaker always connect the circuit breaker end of the cable first.
6.8 Battery Installation
Whatever the type of mounting system selected, the following conditions should be noted (see Figure
XLayout of cells:
Whatever battery mounting system is used, the batteries should be laid out in such a manner as to make simultaneous contact with two exposed live parts having a potential greater than 150V impossible. Where this is not possible, insulated terminal shields must be installed and insulated cables must be used for connections.
YService platform:
The service platform (or duckboard) must be
All connections must be as short as possible.
HIPULSE U UPS Single Module And “1+N” (Expandable) 160/200/300/400kVA User Manual