If switching from one mode to another results in an unsatisfactory display, press
the yellow key a second time to return to the original situation.
Key sequence:
Toggle key to switch between analog mode and digital
The AUTO RANGE function automatically selects the input sensitivity of the
vertical channels and time/div of the main timebase to obtain an optimum display
of the input signal(s). AUTO RANGE is a continuous function: vertical channel or
time/div settings are adapted if the input signal changes.
The AUTO RANGE function of the vertical channels automatically selects the
input sensitivity. The result is that the input signal is displayed with 2 to 6.4
divisions of amplitude. The amplitude is between 1 and 3.2 divisions with
DISPLAY WINDOWS on. AUTO RANGE can be turned on separately for each
vertical channel. AUTO RANGE functions at input sensitivities between 5V and
50 mV/div. Input coupling is put to ac if AUTO RANGE is switched on: dc or
ground coupling can be selected manually. AUTO RANGE is switched off after
operation of the AMPL key, the AUTOSET key, the channel’s AUTORANGE key,
channel ADD key or changing Acquisition length.
The AUTO RANGE function of the main timebase (MAIN TB) adjusts the
timebase automatically so that 2 to 6 waveform periods are displayed. To turn off
AUTO RANGE, press the TIME/DIV key, the AUTOSET key, or the main timebase
In VARiable timebase mode the AUTO RANGE function tries to keep the
displayed trace unchanged.
Key sequence:
Toggle key to switch the AUTO RANGE function of main
timebase and vertical channels.