prevention NIDS 225
protocol service 154 system status 89
proxy server 100 push updates 100
push updates configuring 95 through a NAT device 96 through a proxy server 100
RADIUS definition 260
example configuration 176 RADIUS server
adding server address 176 deleting 176
read & write access level administrator account 132
read only access level administrator account 132
recording logs 249
recording logs in system memory 251 recording logs on NetIQ WebTrends server 250 recovering
a lost Fortinet support password 104 recurring schedule 159
creating 158 registered FortiGate units
viewing the list of 104 registering
FortiGate unit 101, 102, 103, 105 FortiGate unit after an RMA 107 list of registered FortiGate units 105
contact information 106 security question 106 updating information 104
replacement messages customizing 135
reporting 19, 249 resolve IP 254
traffic filter 254 restarting 85
restoring system settings 84
restoring system settings to factory default 84 reverting
firmware to an older version 75
RIP configuring 121 filters 126
interface configuration 124 neighbors 125
settings 122
registering a FortiGate unit 107
adding default 116
adding to routing table 116
adding to routing table (Transparent mode) 117
device 117 router
next hop 111 routing 260
adding static routes 116 configuring 115 configuring routing table 118 policy 118
routing table 260
adding default route 116 adding routes 116
adding routes (Transparent mode) 117 configuring 118
scanning antivirus 232
schedule 157 applying to policy 159
automatic antivirus and attack definition updates 93 creating
creating recurring 158
policy option 145 recurring 159
scheduled antivirus and attack updates 100 scheduled updates
through a proxy server 100 scheduling 93
script filter 242 example settings 242
removing from web pages 242, 248 searching logs 256
logs saved to memory 255 security question
registration 106 serial number
displaying 83 service 153
custom 156 group 156 policy option 145 predefined 153 service name 154
service contracts Forticare 101
service group adding 157
service name
traffic filter display 254
268 | Fortinet Inc. |