Trap overview
Trap name | ID | Meaning | Error class |
FscDdmReservationConf | 1407 | A reservation conflict has | major |
lict |
| been detected. From now |
| on an entire DuplexWrite |
| group is no longer available. |
| This leads to an error if a |
| conflict of operation (not |
| initialization) occurs in the |
| group. |
FscDdmConfigChanged | 1408 | Repeated reading of the | informational |
| configuration by the driver |
| detects a modified |
| configuration. |
FscDdmConfigInvalidate | 1409 | The configuration | informational |
d |
| information of a |
| DuplexWrite group is |
| declared not valid. The |
| configuration information is |
| reread before the next |
| access of the DuplexWrite |
| group on this cluster |
| element. |
FscDdmActiveLunChang | 1410 | After the driver has selected | informational |
ed |
| a specified disk of a |
| DuplexWrite group for read |
| commands. |
FscDdmPieceFailed | 1411 | An error was detected on a | critical |
| DuplexWrite group. |
FscDdmRootFlagChange | 1412 | The RootDisk behavior of a | informational |
d |
| DuplexWrite group has |
| been modified. |
FscDdmForceActive | 1413 | A disk of a DuplexWrite | informational |
| group has been marked by |
| the driver as forced active at |
| reboot. The partner disk |
| can be used as Snapshot. |
Table 23: |
106 | ServerView Event Manager |