| Trap overview |
| |
Trap name | ID | Meaning | Error class | |
| |
tapeAlertTrap278 | 278 | There is a potential problem | minor | |
| with the barcode label or |
| |
| the scanner hardware in the |
| |
| library mechanism. If the |
| |
| problem persists, call the |
| |
| library supplier helpline. |
| |
| |
tapeAlertTrap279 | 279 | The library has detected a | critical | |
| inconsistency in its |
| |
| inventory. |
| |
| 1. | Redo the library |
| inventory to correct |
| inconsistency. |
| 2. | Restart the operation |
| Check the applications |
| users manual or the |
| hardware users manual |
| for specific instructions |
| on redoing the library |
| inventory. |
| |
tapeAlertTrap280 | 280 | A library operation has | minor | |
| been attempted that is |
| |
| invalid at this time. |
| |
Table 44: Tape traps |
ServerView Event Manager | 159 |