Trap overview
5.3.10 MultiPath traps (mp.mib)
This section lists MultiPath traps in alphabetical order.
Trap name | ID | Meaning | Error class |
sieMP | 1202 | The user has enabled or | informational |
ActivePortChanged |
| disabled a path of a |
| MultiPath group. |
sieMPAutoRecovered | 1205 | A path of a MultiPath group, | informational |
| which was in error status, is |
| accessible again due to |
| automatic recovery. |
sieMPError | 1200 | A MultiPath group now | critical |
| consists of only one path, |
| and an error has been |
| detected for this path. The |
| MultiPath group is not |
| operational anymore. |
sieMPErrorCleared | 1206 | A user has cleared the error | informational |
| status for a path of a |
| MultiPath group. |
sieMPReconfigured | 1203 | A path has been removed | informational |
| from or added to a |
| MultiPath group. |
sieMPRetry | 1201 | An error has been detected | critical |
| on a path of a MultiPath |
| group. An attempt is being |
| made to execute the |
| command on another path |
| of the MultiPath group. |
sieMPStatusChanged | 1204 | A user has made a change | informational |
| to a MultiPath group |
| (autorecovery was turned |
| on or off, loadbalancing was |
| turned on or off, or one path |
| was enabled or disabled. |
Table 27: MultiPath traps |
ServerView Event Manager | 113 |