| Trap overview |
Trap name | ID | Meaning | Error class |
sc2TrapRedundantFanF | 2015 | The indicated redundant | major |
ailed |
| fan failed. |
sc2TrapRedundantPow | 2035 | One redundant | major |
erSupplyFailed |
| power supply failed. |
sc2TrapServerShutdow | 2093 | This trap will be sent before | informational |
n |
| a server will switch off. |
sc2TrapSevereSystemE | 2006 | The system was restarted | critical |
rror |
| after a severe problem. See |
| server management |
| message log (recovery log) |
| for detailed information. |
sc2TrapShutdownCanc | 2094 | This trap will be sent if a | informational |
elled |
| pending server shutdown |
| was canceled by the user. |
sc2TrapTempCritical | 2022 | The temperature of the | critical |
| indicated sensor is out of |
| tolerance range. The |
| system will shut down and |
| power off if shutdown is |
| enabled. |
sc2TrapTempOk | 2020 | The temperature of the | informational |
| indicated sensor has |
| decreased to the normal |
| level. |
sc2TrapTempSensorOk | 2023 | The indicated broken | informational |
| temperature sensor is OK |
| again. |
sc2TrapTempSensorBro | 2024 | The indicated temperature | major |
ken |
| sensor is broken. |
sc2TrapTempWarning | 2021 | The temperature of the | major |
| indicated sensor has |
| reached the warning level. |
sc2TrapTest | 2000 | Test trap to verify trap | informational |
| connection. |
Table 41: ServerControl traps (SC2.mib)
ServerView Event Manager | 143 |