| Trap overview |
UPS traps 2 |
Trap name | ID | Meaning | Error class |
boostOn | 6 | The UPS has turned on the | major |
| booster. |
communication | 8 | The connection with the | informational |
Established |
| UPS was established. |
communicationLost | 1 | The connection with the | critical |
| UPS was lost. |
lowBattery | 7 | The batteries are low and | critical |
| will soon be empty. |
powerRestored | 9 | Normal power has been | informational |
| restored to the UPS. |
returnFromLowBattery | 11 | The UPS has returned from | informational |
| the low battery state; the |
| batteries are OK. |
upsDiagnosticsFailed | 3 | The UPS failed its internal | critical |
| diagnostics check. |
upsDiagnosticsPassed | 10 | The UPS has passed its | informational |
| internal diagnostics check. |
upsDischarged | 4 | The UPS has just | critical |
| discharged. |
upsOnBattery | 5 | The UPS has switched to | major |
| the battery supply. |
upsOverLoad | 2 | The UPS detected a load | critical |
| exceeding 100% of its |
| capacity. |
upsRebootStarted | 15 | The UPS has started the | major |
| reboot. |
upsSleeping | 13 | The UPS has switched to | major |
| sleep mode. |
upsTurnedOff | 12 | The UPS was turned off by | major |
| the manager. |
upsWokeUp | 14 | The UPS has returned from | informational |
| sleep mode (woken up). |
Table 50: UPS traps 2 |
ServerView Event Manager | 169 |