Trap overview
Trap name | ID | Meaning | Error class |
tapeAlertTrap32 | 32 | The tape drive has a | minor |
| problem with the host |
| interface: |
| 1. Check the cables and |
| cable connections. |
| 2. Restart the operation. |
tapeAlertTrap33 | 33 | The operation has failed: | critical |
| 1. Eject the tape or |
| magazine. |
| 2. Insert the tape or |
| magazine again. |
| 3. Restart the operation. |
tapeAlertTrap34 | 34 | The firmware download has | minor |
| failed because you have |
| tried to use the incorrect |
| firmware for this tape drive. |
| Obtain the correct firmware |
| and try again. |
tapeAlertTrap35 | 35 | Environmental conditions | minor |
| inside the tape drive are |
| exceeding the humidity |
| specifications. |
tapeAlertTrap36 | 36 | Environmental conditions | minor |
| inside the tape drive are |
| exceeding the temperature |
| specifications. |
tapeAlertTrap37 | 37 | The voltage supply to the | minor |
| tape drive exceeds |
| specifications. |
tapeAlertTrap38 | 38 | A hardware failure of the | critical |
| tape drive is predicted. Call |
| the tape drive supplier |
| helpline. |
Table 44: Tape traps |
152 | ServerView Event Manager |