Trap overview
Trap name | ID | Meaning | Error class |
sieScUserAuthentication | 664 | User authentication failure | major |
Failure |
| is detected via PPP, FTP, |
| HTTP or telnet. |
sniScCpuSpeedChanged | 656 | CPU speed has changed | informational |
| because of temperature |
| problems. |
sniScFanAdded | 653 | The indicated | informational |
| was inserted. |
sniScFanRemoved | 654 | The indicated | informational |
| was removed. |
sniScPowerSupply | 671 | Power supply redundancy | minor |
RedundancyLost |
| no longer available. |
sniScRedundant | 648 | The indicated redundant | major |
FanFailed |
| fan failed. |
sniScRedundant | 649 | One redundant | major |
PowerSupplyFailed |
| power supply failed. |
sniScShutdown | 655 | A pending server shutdown | informational |
Cancelled |
| was canceled by the user. |
sniScVoltageOk | 650 | Power supply voltage is | informational |
| within normal range again. |
sniScVoltageTooHigh | 652 | Power supply voltage is too | critical |
| high. |
sniScVoltageTooLow | 651 | Power supply voltage is too | critical |
| low. |
svCommunication | 636 | Communication with the | informational |
Established |
| server management |
| controller was established. |
svCommunicationFailure | 610 | Communication with the | critical |
| server management |
| controller was interrupted. |
tempCritical | 604 | The temperature has | critical |
| reached a critical level. |
tempOk | 602 | The temperature is within | informational |
| normal range. |
Table 40: ServerControl traps (SC.mib)
136 | ServerView Event Manager |