Trap overview
5.3.17 ServerControl traps (SC.mib)
This section lists ServerControl traps in alphabetical order.
Trap name | ID | Meaning | Error class |
cabinetNotConfigured | 623 | Cabinet is not configured. | informational |
cabinetSwitchedOff | 617 | Cabinet was switched off. | informational |
cabinetSwitchedOn | 618 | Cabinet was switched on. | informational |
correctableMemError | 643 | Correctable memory error. | minor |
correctableMemError | 637 | Correctable memory error | minor |
Addr |
| at address. |
correctableMemError | 639 | Correctable memory error | minor |
Bank |
| in bank. |
correctableMemError | 641 | Correctable memory error | minor |
Module |
| in module. |
fanCriticalError | 622 | A fan is critical and will fail | informational |
| soon. |
fanError | 601 | Fan failed. | critical |
fanOk | 629 | Fan is OK. | informational |
frontDoorStatusChanged | 646 | Status of front door | informational |
| changed. |
housingOpenStatus | 647 | Status of housing changed. | informational |
Changed |
internalError | 620 | Internal error in server | informational |
| management controller |
| software. |
memErrorModuleFailing | 669 | A memory module is failing. | major |
memErrorModule | 668 | A memory module is | major |
Prefailure |
| predicted to fail (prefailure). |
memErrorModule | 670 | A memory module had | major |
Replaced |
| failed and was replaced by |
| a |
Table 40: ServerControl traps (SC.mib)
ServerView Event Manager | 133 |