Trap overview
5.3.16 RomPilot traps (Rompilot.mib)
This section lists RomPilot traps in alphabetical order.
Trap name | ID | Meaning | Error class |
RomPilotColdReset | 258 | Phoenix RomPilot was | informational |
| loaded after a cold system |
| reset. |
RomPilot | 259 | Phoenix RomPilot was | informational |
DiagnosticReset |
| loaded after a diagnostic |
| system reset. |
RomPilotFatalError | 769 | Phoenix RomPilot detected | informational |
| a fatal error. |
RomPilotGenericBoot | 512 | Phoenix RomPilot | informational |
| announces a generic boot |
| (about to load OS). |
RomPilotIDEBootReset | 260 | Phoenix RomPilot was | informational |
| loaded after an IDE Boot |
| system reset. |
RomPilotOSStarted | 1280 | Phoenix RomPilot | informational |
| announces, that the OS has |
| been started. |
RomPilot | 771 | Phoenix RomPilot detected | informational |
PostWarningError |
| a post warning error. |
RomPilotPressF1 | 770 | Phoenix RomPilot is | informational |
| running and needs a [F1] |
| key press to continue. |
RomPilot | 256 | Phoenix RomPilot was | informational |
UnspecifiedReset |
| loaded after an unspecified |
| system reset (assume cold |
| reset). |
RomPilotWarmReset | 257 | Phoenix RomPilot was | informational |
| loaded after a warm system |
| reset. |
Table 39: ROMPilot traps |
132 | ServerView Event Manager |