Trap overview
Trap name | ID | Meaning | Error class |
sc2TrapCabinetSwitche | 2090 | This trap will be sent when a | informational |
dOff |
| cabinet is switched off. For |
| obvious reasons it cannot |
| be sent when the main |
| cabinet is switched off. |
sc2TrapCabinetSwitche | 2091 | This trap will be sent when a | informational |
dOn |
| cabinet is switched on. |
sc2TrapCommunication | 2002 | The communication with | informational |
Established |
| the management controller |
| was reestablished. |
sc2TrapCommunication | 2001 | The communication with | minor |
Failure |
| management controller |
| failed. |
sc2TrapControllerSelfte | 2004 | Controller selftest error. | critical |
stError |
sc2TrapControllerSelfte | 2003 | Controller selftest warning. | minor |
stWarning |
sc2TrapCorrectableMe | 2060 | A correctable memory error | informational |
mErrorAddr |
| at specified address was |
| detected. |
sc2TrapCorrectableMe | 2062 | A correctable memory error | informational |
mErrorBank |
| at specified bank was |
| detected. |
sc2TrapCorrectableMe | 2064 | A correctable memory error | informational |
mErrorModule |
| at specified module was |
| detected. |
sc2TrapCorrectableMe | 2066 | A correctable memory error | informational |
mError |
| at unknown location was |
| detected. |
sc2TrapCpuPrefail | 2081 | A CPU is predicted to fail | major |
| (prefailure). |
sc2TrapCpuSpeedChan | 2080 | This trap will be sent if the | informational |
ged |
| CPU clock frequency was |
| changed because of a |
| temperature problem. |
Table 41: ServerControl traps (SC2.mib)
140 | ServerView Event Manager |