| Trap overview |
Trap name | ID | Meaning | Error class |
mylexRebuildNew | 206 | Rebuild finished; new | major |
DeviceFailed |
| device failed. |
mylexRebuildNewDevice | 227 | Rebuild of system drive; | major |
Failed2 |
| new device has failed. |
mylexRebuildStatus | 204 | Rebuild status. | informational |
mylexSMART | 271 | S.M.A.R.T. configuration | informational |
ConfigurationChanged |
| has been changed. |
mylexSMART | 270 | Sent if a failure (S.M.A.R.T.) | critical |
FailurePredicted |
| has been predicted on a |
| physical disk. |
mylexStateChange | 220 | Cache change table full. | major |
TableFull |
| Too many configuration |
| changes have occurred |
| since last warm start. |
mylexSystemDriveBad | 238 | Bad block detected in | minor |
Block |
| system drive. |
mylexSystemDrive | 233 | System drive created. | informational |
Created |
mylexSystemDrive | 234 | System drive deleted. | informational |
Deleted |
mylexSystemDrive | 239 | System drive size changed. | informational |
SizeChanged |
mylexWriteBackError | 219 | Controller cache | major |
| error. |
mylexWriteBackError2 | 260 | Controller cache | major |
| error. |
Table 28: Mylex traps |
ServerView Event Manager | 117 |