Trap overview
Trap name | ID | Meaning | Error class |
rtConsistency | 9011 | informational | |
Corrected |
| %d: Check consistency |
| operation completed. |
| Inconsistencies have been |
| cured. |
rtInitializeAborted | 9006 | informational | |
| %d: Initialization aborted by |
| user. |
rtInitializeCompleted | 9005 | informational | |
| %d: Initialization completed |
| successfully. |
rtInitializeFailed | 9007 | informational | |
| %d: Initialization failed. |
rtInitializeStarted | 9004 | informational | |
| %d: Initialization started. |
rtLogicalDrive | 9003 | informational | |
StateChange |
| %d: State changed from %s |
| to %s. |
rtNewDriveInserted | 9019 | informational | |
| |
| inserted. |
rtPhysicalDrive | 9002 | informational | |
StateChange |
| |
| changed from %s to %s. |
rtPredictiveFailures | 9016 | informational | |
Exceeded |
| |
| predictive failure. Drive |
| identification string = %s |
| Sense Key = 0x%x, ASC = |
| 0x%x, ASCQ = 0x%x. |
Table 38: RAID Adapter traps |
130 | ServerView Event Manager |