sharing 4-2
sharing with standard CD-ROM 4-2 using 4-1
cannot find CD 3-4–3-5 capacity A-3 cleaning 2-4
copy prevention feature 3-3 error, cannot find CD 1-37 inserting 2-1–2-2 maintenance 2-4 multi-session 3-4
power loss while writing 3-5 problems inserting 2-2 purchasing 2-3
reading problem 3-4 removing 2-2 rewritable 2-2, A-4 selecting 2-2
supported by CD-Writer drive A-4 unable to locate 3-4 write-once 2-3, 3-4, A-4
CD-Writer drive audio cable 3-3 booting from 3-3
changing drive letter 3-4–3-5 compatibility problems 3-7 Customer Support B-1 data cable 1-13, 1-35, 1-36 dimensions A-4
disc data capacity A-3 hardware installation 1-2 identifying drive letter 1-36, 2-4
jumper setting 1-8, 1-25, 1-35, 1-36, 1-37 model number B-2
not recognized 1-36, 3-4–3-5 optimizing performance 3-6, A-2 performance A-2–A-3 performance enhancement 3-7 power cable 1-14, 1-19, 1-33, 1-35, 1-36 recording 1-15, 1-29
returning B-8 securing 1-18, 1-32 selecting CDs 2-2 serial number 1-24, B-2
sharing IDE controller 1-35, 1-36, 1-37
speakers 1-15, 1-29 supported discs A-4 system requirements A-1 uninstalling 1-34
using earphones or speakers 3-3 changed files, protection of 9-15 changing song order 6-8 changing text attributes 7-6 cleaning CD-Writer drive 2-4 CMOS boot order settings 3-3 compatibility A-1
compression software 3-6 computer
identifying model B-3 locating IDE controller 1-35 processor speed A-1, A-2 removing cover 1-5, 1-22 removing drive bay cover plate 1-6 replacing cover 1-19, 1-33 sound board 1-15, 1-29, B-3 system requirements A-1
data cable 1-13
power cable 1-14, 1-28 power cord 1-19, 1-33
data cable 1-10 power 1-14
contacting Customer Support B-1 control panel for HP Simple Trax 9-12 copy prevention feature 3-3 copying
audio CDs 8-1 DirectCD discs 8-2 mixed-mode CDs 8-2 photo CDs 8-2 video CDs 8-2
copying CDs
making mulitple copies 8-4 steps 8-3
copying from CD to CD 3-3 copyright notice 6-2, 8-1 cover plate,removing 1-6 creating a protection list 9-3 creating audio CDs 6-5 CTRL-ALT-DEL 3-5