metric screws 1-18, 1-32 model number, locating B-2 modifying CD layouts 6-8 MSCDEX version 3-4 MultiRead CD-ROM 4-2 multi-session CD 3-4 music CDs
playing 6-9
networks 3-6
OLE objects 7-6 opening CD layouts 6-9 opening tray 2-1 operating system
compatible A-1 identifying B-3
paddle board B-4 Page menu 7-2 performance A-2–A-3
optimizing 3-6, A-2 playing music CDs 6-9 positioning objects 7-4 power cable 1-14
connecting 1-14, 1-28 troubleshooting 1-35, 1-36
power connector 1-14 power cord
connecting 1-19, 1-33 disconnecting 1-5, 1-22
power loss while writing 3-5
power management feature 3-1, 3-7 power requirements A-4
disc labels 7-8
jewel case inserts 7-8
printout, Install Recommendation 1-8, 1-11, 1-25
processor speed A-1, A-2 product certification v programs
running other 3-6 uninstalling 1-34
protecting automatically 9-4 changed files 9-15 definition of 9-1 files 9-2 schedule for 9-4
protection list, adding files to 9-3 protection, file’s history of 9-8 purchasing
audio cable 1-17, 1-31
RAM. See memory reading error 3-4 reading from CD speed A-3
CD to CD 3-3
power loss during 3-5
while running other applications 3-6 recording audio tracks 6-3
recording wave files 6-5 recovering your data 10-4 refreshing the screen 3-4, 3-5 removing
computer cover 1-5, 1-22 drive bay cover plate 1-6
removing a CD 2-2
removing songs from CD layout 6-8 renaming songs in CD layout 6-8 replacing a CD-ROM 1-20 replacing computer cover 1-19, 1-33 resource conflicts 3-7