spooler configuring, 147
statistics VCs, 122
of interface card, 122 strace
see man pages strace command, 191
examples, 196 options, 191 output format, 194 syntax, 191
see man pages strerr command, 199
description, 199 options, 199 syntax, 199
subnet masks defaults, 40 support
See service representative
Switched VC Flow Control field descriptions,
throughput classes and line speeds, 46 tracing utilities, 179 troubleshooting, 202
hardware check, 207 ping command, 211
X.25 configuration, 202, 210 x25check command, 209 x25server command, 209
URC option
IP to X.121 mapping file, 223 use reverse charge
IP to X.121 mapping file, 223 using SAM, 32
using SAM’s online help, 33 utilities
logging, 179 tracing, 179
uucp configuring, 154
VCs statistics, 122
Verify Level 2 Values field descriptions, 48 Verify Level 2 Values screen, 47 verifying level 2 values, 46
verifying level 3 values, 41 Verifying Level 3 Values screen, 41 Verifying Level 3 Values screen field
descriptions, 42 virtual circuits
configuration with SAM, 36
X.121 address
IP to X.121 mapping file, 222 mapped from IP address, 220
X.25 troubleshooting, 202
X.25 address, 35
X.25 configuration troubleshooting, 202, 210
X.25 configuration file, 170, 171, 172, 175 X.25 configuration files
summary, 231 X.25 level 2
event messages, 191 X.25 level 3
event messages, 191 X.25 packet address, 35 X.25/9000
components of, 18 components provided with, 18 network services supported, 18 overview of, 18
X.28 PAD command set, 164
default parameters, 169 parameter descriptions, 169
X.3 profile parameters configuring, 167
X25 configuration displaying, 122
x25_networks file, 232, 243, 244 x25check
see man pages x25check command, 119
description, 119
example with parameters, 121 running interactively, 119