A downloaded user-defined dither will not take effect until after explicitly selecting it via a render algorithm command with a value of 9 or 10. However, if the current render algorithm (or last render algorithm received) was a user-defined algorithm (value 9 or 10), then a user-defined matrix will take effect as soon as it is downloaded. In this case, another render algorithm command (value 9 or 10) is not needed to “select” the downloaded user-defined dither matrix. This is due to the fact that the downloaded user-defined dither algorithm is the currently selected render algorithm.
If the command is sent before downloading a user-defined dither matrix, the device will use the device's user-defined dither default, if available, or, if no default is available, will use the default render algorithm.
Note | The user-defined dither matrix must be defined for processing with |
| additive colors (RGB). |
| |
Since user-defined algorithms cannot be used when a device-independent color space is active, trying to specify a user-defined algorithm in this situation causes the default algorithm to be used. The default is used until the algorithm is changed to something other than user-defined, or until you specify a device-dependent color space.
The table below shows the format for a dither matrix that is applied to all three color primaries. The format for “multiple dither matrices” is supplied after this explanation. (“uint 16” means unsigned 16-bit integer; “ubyte” means unsigned byte.)
Byte | 15 (msb) | 8 | 7 | (lsb) 0 | Byte |
| | | | |
0 | Format = 0 | | Number of planes = 1 | 1 |
| | | | |
2 | Dither matrix height in pixels (uint 16) | | 3 |
| | | |
4 | Dither matrix width in pixels (uint 16) | | 5 |
| | | | | |
6 | byte #0 (ubyte) | | byte #1 (ubyte) | | 7 |
| | | | | |
8 | byte #2 (ubyte) | | byte #3 (ubyte) | | 9 |
| | | | | |
| • | | | | |
| | | | | |
| • | | | | |
| | | | | |
D-8 Modifying Output Color (Color LaserJet, 5, 5M, DeskJet) | EN |