For example, the logic equation for ROP 252 in the RGB color space is T OR S, which is shown as TSo in Table
It’s possible to derive the logical operation for a truth table and to create a truth table for a logical operation. However, the most important point is that the binary value of the ROPs number gives the Destination for all possible combinations of Texture, Source, and Destination.
The way the bits of the ROPs number map to the combinations of Texture, Source, and Destination depends on whether the color space is RGB or CMY. The least significant bit of the RGB ROP value maps to (0, 0, 0), the color black in RGB, and the most significant bit to (1, 1, 1), white in RGB. On the other hand, the CMY ROP reverses the mapping. This reversal hinges on the fact that RGB and CMY are the inverse of each other, i.e., RGB Black is (0, 0, 0) and CMY Black is (1, 1, 1), white. All other colors show the same relationship.
ROPs in the RGB Color Space
The RGB ROP truth tables shown in Table
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