Colorimetric RGB color spaces are based on the 1931 standard
CIE L*a*b* is the CIE 1976 Uniform Color Space based on the 1931 standard
HP Color LaserJet 5 and 5M printers parse and discard the CID command when Colorimetric RGB spaces are specified. Rather than creating a Colorimetric RGB palette, a device RGB palette is created, but it is populated with the default color of the Colorimetric RGB palette. In addition, the ScreenMatch color table is selected to give the impression of Colorimetric RGB behavior while working in a
Byte 1 (Pixel Encoding Mode)
Byte number 1 designates the format in which raster data is to be transmitted and interpreted. The range of this value field is 0 to 3. All other values for this field are ignored.
Byte Value | Pixel Encoding Mode | Restrictions |
0 | Indexed by Plane | Bits/index must be |
| (default) | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 |
1 | Indexed by Pixel | Bits/index must be |
| 1, 2, 4, or 8 |
2 | Direct by Plane | 1 bit per primary |
| (RGB or CMY only) |
3 | Direct by Pixel | 8 bits per primary |
| (All Color Spaces) |
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