k.Set the DC2_HOST _LISTvariable to the list of clustered nodes which resides in Data Center 2. Multiple names are defined using a comma as a separator between the names.
l.Set the QUERY_TIME_OUT variable to the number of seconds to wait for a response from the
7.Distribute Metrocluster/Continuous Access configuration, environment and control script files to other nodes in the cluster by using ftp, rcp or scp:
# rcp
See the example script /opt/cmcluster/toolkit/SGCAEVA/Samples/ftpit to see how to
This script assumes the package directories already exist on all the nodes.
Using ftp might be preferable at your organization, because it does not require the use of a
.rhosts file for root. Root access via .rhosts might create a security issue.
8.Verify that every node in the Serviceguard cluster has the following files in the directory /etc/cmcluster/pkgname:
pkgname.cntl Serviceguard package control script
pkgname_caeva.env Metrocluster Continuous Access EVA environment file pkgname.ascii Serviceguard package ASCII configuration file pkgname.sh Package monitor shell script, if applicable
other files Any other scripts you use to manage Serviceguard packages.
9.Check the configuration using the cmcheckconf
Configuring primary and recovery packages as legacy packages when using EMC SRDF
To configure Primary or Recovery Package on the Source Disk Site or Target Disk Site in legacy style:
1.Create a directory /etc/cmcluster/<pkgname> for the package.
#mkdir /etc/cmcluster/<pkgname>
2.Create a package configuration file.
#cd /etc/cmcluster/<pkgname>
Customize the package configuration file as appropriate to your application. Be sure to include the pathname of the control script (/etc/cmcluster/<pkgname>/<pkgname>.cntl) for the RUN_SCRIPT and HALT_SCRIPT parameters.
Set the AUTO_RUN flag to NO. This is to ensure the package will not start when the cluster starts. Only after primary packages start, use cmmodpkg to enable package switching on all primary packages. Enabling package switching in the package configuration must automatically start the primary package when the cluster starts. However, if there is a source disk site disaster, resulting in the recovery package starting and running on the target disk site, the primary package must not be started until after first stopping the recovery package.
Do not use cmmodpkg to enable package switching on any recovery package. Package switching on a recovery package automatically set by the cmrecovercl command on the target disk site when it successfully starts the recovery package.
3.Create a package control script.
# cmmakepkg -s pkgname.cntl
Customize the control script as appropriate to your application using the guidelines in the Managing Serviceguard user’s guide. Standard Serviceguard package customizations include
Configuring legacy packages 109