C Configuration file parameters for Continentalclusters | 82 |
D Continentalclusters Command and Daemon Reference | 85 |
E Package attributes | 88 |
Package Attributes for Continentalcluster with Continuous Access for P9000 and XP | 88 |
Package Attributes for Continentalcluster with Continuous Access EVA | 95 |
Package Attributes for Continentalcluster with EMC SRDF | 97 |
F Legacy packages | 100 |
Migrating complex workloads using Legacy SG SMS CVM/CFS Packages to Modular SG SMS |
CVM/CFS Packages with minimal downtime | 100 |
Migrating legacy to modular packages | 100 |
Migrating legacy monitor package | 100 |
Migrating legacy style primary and recovery packages to modular packages | 101 |
Migrating legacy style primary and recovery packages to modular packages when using |
Continuous Access P9000 and XP | 101 |
Migrating legacy style primary and recovery packages to modular packages using Continuous | |
access EVA | 102 |
Migrating legacy style primary and recovery packages to modular packages using EMC |
SRDF | 103 |
Configuring legacy packages | 104 |
Configuring the monitor package in legacy style | 104 |
Configuring primary and recovery packages as legacy packages when using Continuous |
Access P9000 and XP | 105 |
Configuring primary and recovery packages as legacy packages when using Continuous |
Access EVA | 107 |
Configuring primary and recovery packages as legacy packages when using EMC SRDF.... | 109 |
Configuring storage devices for complex workload | 111 |
Configuring the storage device for the complex workload at the Source Disk Site using SG SMS | |
CFS or CVM | 111 |
Configuring the storage device for complex workload at the target disk site using SG SMS CFS | |
or CVM | 112 |
G Configuration rules for using modular style packages in Continentalclusters... | 114 |
H Sample Continentalclusters ASCII configuration file | 115 |
Section 1 of the Continentalclusters ASCII configuration file | 115 |
Section 2 of the Continentalclusters ASCII configuration file | 116 |
Section 3 of the Continentalclusters ASCII configuration file | 118 |
# Section1: Cluster Information | 121 |
I Sample input and output files for cmswitchconcl command | 123 |
J Configuring Oracle RAC in Continentalclusters in Legacy style | 125 |
Support for Oracle RAC instances in a Continentalclusters environment | 125 |
Configuring the environment for Continentalclusters to support Oracle RAC | 126 |
Serviceguard/Serviceguard extension for RAC and Oracle Clusterware configuration | 131 |
Initial startup of Oracle RAC instance in a Continentalclusters environment | 132 |
Failover of Oracle RAC instances to the recovery site | 132 |
Failback of Oracle RAC instances after a failover | 134 |
Rehearsing Oracle RAC databases in Continentalclusters | 135 |
K Configuring Oracle RAC database with ASM in Continentalclusters using |
SADTA | 136 |
Setting up replication | 137 |
Configure a primary cluster with a single site | 137 |
Configure a recovery cluster with a single site | 138 |