the new configuration file is required, do not use the
3.If option
4.Restart the monitor packages on every cluster.
#cmmodpkg -e ccmonpkg
5.View the status of the Continentalclusters.
NOTE: The cluster shared storage configuration file /etc/cmconcl/ccrac/ccrac.config is not updated by cmswitchconcl. The CCRAC_CLUSTER and CCRAC_INSTANCE_PKGS variables in the cluster shared storage configuration file must be manually updated on all the nodes in the clusters to reflect the new primary cluster and package names.
The cmswitchconcl command is also used to switch the package role of a recovery group. If only a subset of the primary packages will remain running on the surviving (recovery) cluster, a new option
Usage of option
# cmswitchconcl \
Creating a new Primary Cluster
After creating a new cluster, restore the critical applications to the new cluster and restore the original recovery cluster to act as the recovery cluster for the newly created primary cluster. To do this:
1.Configure the new cluster as a Serviceguard cluster. Use the cmviewcl command on the surviving cluster and compare the results to the new cluster configuration. Correct any inconsistencies on the new cluster.
2.Halt the monitor package on the original recovery cluster.
#cmhaltpkg ccmonpkg
3.Edit the Continentalclusters configuration file to replace the data from the old failed cluster with data from the new cluster. Check and apply the Continentalclusters configuration.
#cmapplyconcl -v -C cmconcl.config
4.Do the following for every recovery group where the new cluster will run the primary package.
a.Synchronize the data from the disks on the surviving recovery cluster to the disks on the new cluster.
b.To keep application down time to a minimum, start the primary package on the newly created cluster before resynchronizing the data of the next recovery group.
34 Restoring disaster recovery cluster after a disaster