#vgcreate /dev/vgcc -f /dev/sda1
2.Create a logical volume in the volume group and install ’vxfs’ file system in the logical volume:
#lvcreate –L <size> <vgname>
mke2fs -j <Lvol>
For Example:
3.On every node of the recovery cluster, create the Continentalclusters shared directory
/opt/cmconcl/statedir as follows:
#mkdir <directorypath>
For Example:
# mkdir /opt/cmconcl/statedir
4.Run vgscan to make the LVM configuration visible on the other nodes in the recovery cluster. vgscan
Configuring the monitor package to mount the file system from the shared disk
On the recovery cluster,
To configure the monitor package with the state directory as follows:
1.Obtain the package configuration for the monitor package.
# cmgetconf –p ccmonpkg > cc_new.config
2.Provide the name of the volume group used for state directory as a value to the parameter
For Example: vg vgcc
3.Provide the name of the logical volume used for the state directory as a value to the parameter
“fs_name”. For Example:
fs_name /dev/vgcc/lvol1
4.Provide the absolute path of the state directory as the value for the parameter
“fs_directory”. For Example:
fs_directory /opt/cmconcl/statedir
5.Provide the type of the file system used for the state directory as the value for the parameter
“fs_type”. For Example: fs_type ext2
6.Provide proper values for the parameters fs_mount_opt, fs_umount_opt and fs_fsck_opt.
For Example:
fs_mount_opt -o rw
Configuring Continentalclusters Disaster Recovery rehearsal | 37 |