G Configuration rules for using modular style packages in Continentalclusters
Table 9 (page 114) summarizes the rules to use modular style packages for various Continentalclusters entities.
Table 9 Configuration rules for using Modular style packages in Continentalclusters packages
Continentalclusters | Continuous Access | Continuous Access | Continuous | 3PAR Remote |
Package Type | P9000 or XP | EVA | Access SRDF | Copy | Logical Replication |
Monitor Package | Use supplied | Use supplied | Use supplied | Use supplied | Use supplied |
| modular package | modular package | modular package | modular package | modular package |
| template. No | template. No | template. No | template. No | template. No |
| Continentalclusters | Continentalclusters | Continentalclusters | Continentalclusters | Continentalclusters |
| Specific module | Specific module | Specific module | Specific module | Specific module |
| required. | required. | required | required | required |
Primary package | Use dts/ccxpca | Use dts/cccaeva | Use dts/ccsrdf | Use dts/cc3parrc | Use any |
| module along with | module along with | module along | module along with | Serviceguard |
| any other | any other | with any other | any other | supported module. |
| application | application | application | application | No |
| specific modules | specific modules | specific modules | specific modules | Continentalclusters |
| specific module |
| required. |
Recovery | Use dts/ccxpca | Use dts/cccaeva | Use dts/ccsrdf | Use dts/cc3parrc | Use any |
package | module along with | module along with | module along | module along with | Serviceguard |
| any other | any other | with any other | any other | supported module. |
| application | application | application | application | No |
| specific modules | specific modules | specific modules | specific modules | Continentalclusters |
| specific module |
| required. |
Rehearsal | Use all modules | Use all modules | Use all modules | Use all modules | Use any |
Package | used to create the | used to create the | used to create the | used to create the | Serviceguard |
| recovery package, | recovery package, | recovery | recovery package, | supported module. |
| except dts/ccxpca | except | package, except | except | No |
| module | dts/cccaeva | dts/ccsrdf | dts/cc3parrc | Continentalclusters |
| module | module | module | specific module |
| required |
Data Sender |
| Not Applicable |
| Use any | |
Package |
| Serviceguard |
| supported module. |
| No |
| Continentalclusters |
| specific module |
| required. |
Data Receiver |
| Use any |
Package |
| Serviceguard |
| supported module. |
| No |
| Continentalclusters |
| specific module |
| required. |
114 Configuration rules for using modular style packages in Continentalclusters