5.Create a filesystem.
#newfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/<cvm_dg_name>/<cvm_dg_vol_name>
6.Create a package configuration file.
#cmmakepkg -m sg/cfs_all /etc/cmcluster/cfspkg1.ascii
7.Edit the following package parameters in the cfspkg1.ascii package configuration file.
• node_name <node1>
• node_name <node2>
• package_name <siteA_cfs_pkg_name>
• cvm_disk_group <cvm_dg_name>
• cvm_activation_mode "node1=sw node2=sw"
• cfs_mount_point <cvm_mount_point>
• cfs_volume <cvm_dg_name>/<cvm_dg_vol_name>
• cfs_mount_options "node1=cluster node2=cluster"
• cfs_primary_policy ""
where, node1 and node2 are the nodes at the primary cluster. Do not configure any mount specific attributes such as cfs_mount_point, cfs_mount_options if SG SMS CVM is configured as raw volumes.
8.Verify the package configuration file.
#cmcheckconf -P cfspkg1.ascii
9.Apply the package configuration file.
#cmapplyconf -P cfspkg1.ascii
10.Run the package.
#cmrunpkg <siteA_cfs_pkg_name>
Configuring the storage device using Veritas CVM
To set up the CVM disk group volumes on the CVM cluster master node in the primary cluster:
1.Initialize the source disks of the replication pair:
2.Create a disk group for the complex workload data.
#vxdg –s init <cvm_dg_name> <replicated_disk_1> <replicated_disk_2>
3.Activate the CVM disk group on all the nodes in the primary cluster CVM
#vxdg -g <cvm_dg_name> set activation=sw
4.Create a volume from the disk group.
#vxassist -g <cvm_dg_name> make <cvm_dg_vol_name> 4500m
5.Create Serviceguard Disk Group MNP packages for the disk group.
IMPORTANT: Veritas CVM disk groups must be configured as a dedicated modular MNP package using the cvm_dg attribute. This modular MNP package must be configured to have a package dependency on the
To create a Modular package for a CVM disk group as follows:
46 Configuring complex workloads in a Continentalclusters environment using SADTA