Modifying a package in a recovery group
There might be situations where a package must be halted for modifications purposes without having the package moved to another node. The following procedure is recommended for package maintenance and normal maintenance of Continentalclusters:
1.Shut down the package with the appropriate command. For example,
#cmhaltpkg <pkgname>
2.Perform the changes to the packages in primary and recovery cluster.
3.Distribute the package configuration changes, if any. For example,
In Primary cluster
#cmapplyconf - P <pkgconfig>
In Recovery cluster
#cmapplyconf -P <bkpkgconfig>
4.Run the package with the any one of the following Serviceguard command. For example,
In Primary cluster
In Recovery cluster
# cmrunpkg <pkgname>
CAUTION: Never enable package switching on both the primary package and the recovery package.
Modifying Continentalclusters configuration
1.Halt the monitor package.
#cmhaltpkg ccmonpkg
2.Apply the new Continentalclusters configuration.
3.Restart the monitor package.
#cmrunpkg ccmonpkg
Removing a recovery group from the Continentalclusters
To remove a package from the Continentalclusters configuration, you must remove the recovery group from the Continentalclusters configuration file.
To remove the package it is not necessary to bring down either cluster. However, to implement the new configuration:
1.Remove the recovery group from the Continentalclusters configuration file.
2.Halt the monitor packages that are running on the clusters.
3.Use the cmapplyconcl command to apply the new Continentalclusters configuration.
4.Restart the monitor packages on both clusters.
60 Administering Continentalclusters