6.Run the package on a node in the Serviceguard cluster.
#cmrunpkg -n <node_name> <package_name>
7.Enable global switching for the package.
#cmmodpkg -e <package_name>
Configuring the primary and recovery packages as modular packages when using 3PAR Remote Copy
When using HP 3PAR Remote Copy in Continentalclusters, the primary and recovery packages must be created using the dts/cc3parrc module. To use this module, Metrocluster with 3PAR Remote Copy must be installed on all the nodes in the Continentalclusters.
To configure the primary and recovery packages as modular packages using 3PAR Remote Copy with Continentalclusters:
1.Run the following command to create a modular primary or recovery package configuration file using the Continentalclusters module dts/cc3parrc:
# cmmakepkg –m dts/cc3parrc pkgName.config
NOTE: Continentalclusters is usually used with applications such as Apache. So, the application toolkit module must also be included when Continentalclusters is used in conjunction with an application.
For Example, when Continentalclusters is used in conjunction with the Apache toolkit, the Apache toolkit module and other required modules must also be included with the Continentalcluster module. Run the following command:
# cmmakepkg
2.Edit the following attributes in the pkgName.config file:
Set the value of this parameter to no.
This is the package directory for the modular package. This value must be unique for all the packages.
The cluster nodes which resides in Data Center 1.
The cluster nodes which resides in Data Center 2.
The DNS resolvable name or IP address of the HP 3PAR storage system, which is located in Data center 1.
The DNS resolvable name or IP address of the HP 3PAR storage system, which is located in Data center 2.
The user on the HP 3PAR storage system, which is located in Data Center 1.
The user on the HP 3PAR storage system, which is located in Data Center 2.
20 Building the Continentalclusters configuration