Create The host/<fqdn> principal And Extract Its Service Key
Create The host/<fqdn> principal And Extract Its Service Key
To allow principal database propagation, the Primary Server must have a host/<fqdn> principal and the service key for this principal must be extracted to that server’s service key table file.
The host/<fqdn> principal is not automatically added to the principal database on installation of the Security Server software; it must be manually done using either kadminl_ui or kadminl.
You need to be logged in as a root user in order to execute the tasks mentioned above. These tasks must be performed on the Primary Security Server.
We recommend that you create a host/<fqdn> principal and extract its service key using ktutil. To do this, at the command prompt, type:
The host/<fqdn> is added to the principal database, along with a random key. The random key is added to the service key table. To verify that these operations were successful, use the
82 | Chapter 5 |