Configuring The Secondary Security Servers
Create a host/<fqdn> Principal and Extract Its Key
To allow principal database propagation, each Secondary Server must contain a host/<fqdn> principal. Also, the key for this principal must be extracted to that server’s service key table file.
Creating a host/<fqdn> principal and extracting its key is performed on a Secondary Server the same way it is performed on a Primary Server. Refer to “Create The host/<fqdn> principal And Extract Its Service Key” on page 82 under the Primary Security Server section for complete instructions.
You do not need to be logged on as a root user to perform these steps on a Secondary Server. Instead, you must run kadmin and logon using the administrative principal name and password when prompted for this information.
Each KDC needs a host service principal in the Kerberos database. You can create these from any host, once the kadmind daemon is running.
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