

General Tab (Principal Information window)


You can set the maximum ticket lifetime for each


individual principal. The time should not exceed the


corresponding ticket lifetime set for the realm, as


controlled by the krbtgt/REALM@REALM principal.


You can set the maximum renewal time for each

Renew Time

individual principal. The time should not exceed the


corresponding renewal time set for the realm.


To restrict the issuance of renewable tickets, clear the


Allow Renewable option on the Attributes tab of the


Principal Information window. You cannot enter a


renewal time of zero (0). If you enter zero in the


Maximum Renew Time field on the General tab, you


will receive a warning ‘Invalid Field Entry’ when


you click OK or Apply.

Last Modified

The last modified time and date is automatically


updated when the principal information changes.

Modified By

The name of the user updating the principal.

Chapter 6