SmartConnect User’s Guide
Local User Administration
VSE SmartConnect software provides three
Built-In Users
The following types of user accounts are always available:
The User has no direct responsibility for Virtual Switch Extension (VSE) for IBM Blade- Center, SmartConnect, management. He or she can view all status information and statis- tics but cannot make any configuration changes to the Virtual Switch Extension (VSE) for IBM BladeCenter, SmartConnect,.
The Operator manages various functions of the Virtual Switch Extension (VSE) for IBM BladeCenter, SmartConnect,. The operator can view all information and statistics and can reset ports.
Table 10-4 Built-In User Administration Fields
Field | Description |
Username | Displays the username for this user type. |
Password | Sets the password for this user type, up to 15 characters. |
User Type | Displays the authority level for the user type. SmartConnect defines these |
| levels as: User, Operator, and Administrator, with User being the most |
| restricted level. |
Enabled | Enables or disables the user type. |
120 Chapter 10: System Settings | BMD00082, February 2009 |