| SmartConnect User’s Guide |
Table | SNMPv3 information (continued) |
Field | Description |
Taglist | This column contains a list of tag values which are used to select target |
| addresses for a particular SNMP message. |
Params | The value of this object identifies an entry in the snmpTargetParam- |
| sTable. The identified entry contains SNMP parameters to be used when |
| generating messages to be sent to this transport address. |
| snmpTargetParams Table |
Name | Displays the locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated with this |
| snmpTargetParamsEntry. |
MP Model | Displays the Message Processing Model used when generating SNMP |
| messages using this entry. |
User Name | Displays the securityName, which identifies the entry on whose behalf |
| SNMP messages will be generated using this entry. |
Sec Model | Displays the security model used when generating SNMP messages |
| using this entry. The system may choose to return an inconsistentValue |
| error if an attempt is made to set this variable to a value for a security |
| model which the system does not support. |
Sec Level | Displays the level of security used when generating SNMP messages |
| using this entry. |
Syslog Messages
This window lists the most recently logged system messages.
See also:
“Syslog Settings” on page 129
BMD00082, February 2009 | Chapter 12: Switch Information 149 |